Experimental infrastructure for energy conversion systems with CO2 capture

Experimental infrastructure

Various modules of the energy conversion system with CO2 capture capability research infrastructure allow the experimental evaluation of gas-liquid absorption, chemical and calcium looping technologies (reactive gas-solid systems) in various operational modes such as fixed bed, fluidized bed or circulating fluidized bed (CFB). The range of operational parameters (e.g., temperature up to 1200 degree Celsius, various composition of gas streams to be decarbonized, various liquid and gaseous fuels etc.), online monitoring and control of the experimental modules using computer as well the analytical equipments (online Siemens gas-analyzer and gas chromatograph) make this advanced research infrastructure very valuable to assess various gas-solid and gas-liquid CO2 capture technologies. In addition, the modelling and simulation capabilities of the research team (using a wide range of softwares such as ChemCAD, Aspen, Matlab/Simulink, Comsol, Thermoflex, GaBi etc.) are used in conjunction with this relevant experimental infrastructure to perform techno-economic and environmental evaluations of energy conversion systems with CO2 capture feature..

Keywords: CO2 capture technologies; Chemical and calcium looping; Gas-liquid absorption; Gas-solid systems; Energy conversion systems; Techno-economic and environmental evaluations; Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

Key Contact Name:
Prof. dr. Calin Cormos
Email address: calin.cormos@ubbcluj.ro
Telephone number:
