Clinical MRI – 3 Tesla – Siemens Magnetom Skyra

Clinical MRI – 3 Tesla – Siemens Magnetom Skyra

Uniqueness / Complexity:

  • The machine was the only MRI Skyra scanner in Romania at the time of installation and is one of the few 3T magnetic field machines in Romania. It is a scanner with the largest possible open bore for 3T MRI scanners in the world. The 32-channel head coil offers outstanding resolution, and the Skyra scanner, through combination, can use a coil with up to 40 – elements for investigations.

Technical features / performance:

  • 3 Tesla (3T) magnetic field;
  • Large circumference (Open Bore) of 70 cm;
  • A 32 channel head coil, one of the most advanced available head coils;
  • Other coils: an 18 channel body coil; a 20 channel head/neck coil; a 32 channel spinal coil; a small flexible coil; a big flexible coil;
  • Performant field gradients (XQ, developing 45 mT/m@ 200 T/m/s);
  • The MRI is equipped with a TIM system (allows the combination of multiple coils into the same acquisition, the antennas being compatible with the parallel acquisition);
  • Allows for all the imagistic applications available for a standard 3T scanner (angiography, cardiology, abdominal, perfusion and diffusion tensor imaging, nervous tract visualization, resting and task fMRI, diffusion, spectroscopy and dynamic breast imaging);
  • Non-ferromagnetic, MR compatible stretcher used for patient transport and a non-ferromagnetic, MR compatible fire extinguisher
  • LCD portable screen that is compatible with the magnetic field needed for fMRI studies, with a diagonal of 32’ and a resolution of 1920×1080;
  • LED lighting system and DC powered “Sky lighting” with 12/24 V DC power supply, plus special filters compatible with Siemens Skyra 3.0T MRI booth
  • Siemens Skyra 3.0T MRI cabin door contacts
  • MULTIPAD Plus systems, 17×11 cm, for positioning participants in studies involving brain MRI image acquisition, adjustable between 2 and 5 cm.
  • Heart rate and pulse monitoring and recording system, active during the imagistic acquisitions and compatible with the magnetic field;
  • Includes all the basic sequences and all the protocols necessary for conducting neuroimagistic research (EPI sequences for diffusion, perfusion, fMRI), along with several optional packages for advanced research, like proton spectroscopy (both Single Voxel and Chemical Shift) or arterial spin labeling (ASL 2D; an innovative technique that uses the water in the arterial blood as an endogenous agent for a non-invasive perfusion evaluation);
  • The system also incorporates a post-processing station (syngo MR Workplace), equipped with a comprehensive package for the processing and visualizing of fMRI BOLD images – syngo BOLD 3D evaluation, capable of combining the results of BOLD images that are still in the process of acquisition and 3D anatomical images in real time, within the acquisition station;
  • The system is connected to and synchronized with a stimulation system, NNL Basic fMRI, necessary for the implementation of experimental paradigms in the neuroimagistic research (patients can be examined while they execute a variety of tasks). The stimulation system includes a stimulus presentation module (equipped with a presentation software), alongside a response and feedback module, that can record the patient’s responses.
  • A PACS server for saving and secure accessing of MRI and fMRI data, alongside two performant stations utilized for post-processing, analyzing and interpreting the MRI and fMRI data.
  • EATON 93E three-phase 160kVA/144kW UPS (Uninterrupted Power Source) and a battery cabinet providing 14 minutes autonomy at maximum possible consumption generated by the Skyra MAGNETOMUL (the only UPS system in the world recommended and tested by the manufacturer Siemens related to the Skyra scanner).
  • Apart from the MRI system, the platform also includes an EEG EMS Pegasus/Phoenix ( EEG system, with 32 channels, capable of recording and analyzing event potentials. The EEG system can be synchronized with the usual stimulus presentation programs; audio and photo-stimulation systems are integrated.

These infrastructures are successfully used in several laboratories, with interdisciplinary activities centred on the main research directions of the Institute.

  • Artificial brain designed based on an average brain and made of realistic materials that mimic various tissues and structures, suitable for ultrasound, MRI and CT applications (


  • Employees of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, teaching and research staff, PhD students, post-docs and administrative staff have access to the Skyra platform, with the approval of the director of the department.
  • For the purpose of maintenance of the MRI equipment and the Platform, the Siemens technical team and the administrative staff of the Institute of Chemistry “Raluca Ripan” will also have access.

In the case of collaborations with third parties for the purpose of research and/or the provision of clinical services to the community, access will be agreed upon after signing a collaboration protocol to this effect.

Areas of usefulness (of interest to research groups/research directions, etc.) and expertise

Of interest to research groups both internal and external to Babeș-Bolyai University, including international collaborations. Of interest to clinics offering high quality medical imaging services (e.g. imaging of neurological disorders, liver and bilio-pancreatic imaging, musculoskeletal imaging, pelvic imaging, oncological imaging, etc.).

Specialist staff (name and status of operator(s))

  1. Dr. David Daniel
  2. Dr. David Oana
  3. Dr. Dobrean Anca
  4. Dr. Fodor Liviu
  5. Dr. Georgescu Raluca
  6. Dr. Matu Silviu
  7. Dr. Nechita Diana
  8. Dr. Poetar Costina
  9. Dr. MD Pojoga Cristina
  10. Dr. Răzvan Predatu
  11. Dr. MD Predescu Georgiana
  12. Dr. Șoflău Radu
  13. Dr. Szentagotai-Tătar Aurora
  14. Dr. Ştefan Simona Ioana
  15. Dr. MD Voinescu Bogdan

Availability for access and use (internal UBB / external UBB, rules of use, etc.)

Access and usage:

  • Professionals interested in using the platform’s facilities should address their request to dr. Ruben Emanuel Nechifor ( describing (1) the planned activities and (2) the resources they need (including time and staff). The fee for the use of the research infrastructure is subject to approval by the UBB Board of Directors (depending also on whether UBB and/or the Department/Institute are also involved in the research project).
  • The platform is open to undergraduate, masters, and PhD students for educational activities (e.g. visits), to participate in projects run by platform staff, or to run their own projects under the supervision of a platform member.

Rules of use:

  • No metal objects or metal cards, including personal belongings, are allowed in or near the MRI room when the door is open.
  • The staff will check each time before entering the MRI room whether they are carrying metal objects or objects containing magnetic cards, which they will store in the control room or secure in the antechamber of the MRI room.
  • Clinical and research staff will follow the screening procedure for metal objects for any patient, experimental participant or visitor about to enter the MRI room. Their belongings will be stored in the control room or secured in the anteroom.
  • Staff will not allow any unauthorised person access to the MRI room or its anteroom.
  • Personnel are required to report immediately to the technical team servicing the appliance any change from the normal operation of the appliance (e.g. different sounds or absence of normal sounds).
  • Employees and staff working on the platform will know and follow the emergency evacuation plan.
  • In the event of a magnet quech, or failure of the quech tube, personnel shall follow the procedure adapted to the situation, as described in the manufacturer’s instructions. UBB internal or external staff who will access the platform assume knowledge of these procedures and are responsible for their application during access to the platform.

Location of infrastructure element / website

Address: 30, Fântânele Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania inside the Institute of Chemistry “Raluca Ripan” / Website:

Name of the research unit managing the infrastructure element / Responsible person / Contact details

International Institute for Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health


Professor Ph.D Anca Dobrean; email:

Contact: Senior Researcher Ph.D. Ruben Emanuel Nechifor, email: