Laborator 1 – alte informatii

Laborator 1 – alte informatii

BBU community members

Free – based on partnership agreement

All other universities

Free – based on partnership agreement… other particular conditions may apply. In absence of this agreement, Industry category rates are applicable.


Standard 1H Analysis: 50 EUR * (No analysis/interpretation of data/assuming sample not limited (>2 mg))

Standard 13C Analysis of Small Molecule: 200 EUR * (No analysis/interpretation of data/assuming sample is not limited (>300 mg))

Quantitative 13C NMR: 300-450 EUR * (High S/N acquired – Typically Overnight Analysis)

2D À la carte (2D COSY, 2D HSQC &2D HMBC): COSY 200 EUR, HSQC 350 EUR, HMBC 450 EUR.

2D Package (1D Proton, 2D COSY, 2D HSQC & 2D HMBC) 650 EUR

* Includes NMR Tube and Standard Deuterated Solvents. Includes spectrometer set up and routine sample prep. Normal Turnaround: 3-7 business days