The PSYTECH-MATRIX Platform is registered in the MERIL (Mapping of the European Research Infrastructure Landscape) network:
Laboratories and main equipment:
- “Holdeck” laboratory: EON Reality ICube with 4 projection walls, 3D graphics projected with a 96Hz refresh rate, glasses with active shutter, motion tracker system using infrared images, developed by Natural Point, 9 m2 interaction space;
- “Stress control laboratory”: several VR head-mounted display (HMD) systems, including the latest Oculus and HTC Vive headset, with dedicated applications for the treatment of anxiety disorders and PTSD (e.g., following the principles of exposure), cognitive bias modification (CBTM), relaxation and attention training; the lab also includes a BIOPAC MP150 system with dedicated modules for EKG, GSR, and EMG, and a 32 de channels wireless EMOTIV Flex EEG.
- “Digital enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapies for children, adolescents and parents” laboratory: includes a “Virtual Classroom” HMD system for the assessment and treatment of ADHD, including head-tracker.
- “Digital Affective Technologies for Therapy and Assessment” laboratory: includes multiple mobile and VR (e.g., Oculus Quest) devices for the delivery gamified psychological interventions for children and adolescents.
- “Psychological Technologies for Health” laboratory: includes numerous social robots (e.g., NAO Robot) and dedicated systems for the assessment and treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Keywords: virtual reality therapy; social robots; mental health; CBT; online interventions; mobile interventions
Location: AVALON building, No. 37 Republicii Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 400015

Access policy:
Professionals interested in using the platform’s facilities should address their request to Senior Researcher Silviu Matu Andrei Ph.D (, describing (1) the planned activities and (2) the resources they need (including time and staff). The fee for the use of the research infrastructure is subject to approval by the board of the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health (depending also on whether UBB and/or the Department/Institute are also involved in the research project).
The platform is open to undergraduate, masters, and PhD students for educational activities), to participate in projects run by platform staff, or to run their own projects under the supervision of a platform member.
Staff using platform: Dr. David Daniel, Dr. David Oana, Dr. Dobrean Anca , Dr. Fodor Liviu, Dr. Georgescu Raluca, Dr. Matu Silviu , Dr. Nechita Diana, Dr. Poetar Costina, Dr. MD Pojoga Cristina, Dr. Răzvan Predatu, Dr. MD Predescu Georgiana , Dr. Șoflău Radu, Dr. Szentagotai-Tătar Aurora , Dr. Ştefan Simona Ioana, Dr. Oltean (Cardoș) Roxana.
Key contacts:
Prof. Daniel David, Ph.D.,
Prof. Anca Dobrean, Ph.D.,
Senior Researcher Silviu Matu Andrei Ph.D.