Research in Nanobiophotonics and Laser Microspectroscopy Center
( is focused on the synthesis, fabrication, characterization and biofunctionalization of optically active noble-metal nanoparticles and versatile hybrid nanostructures and nanocomposites (biopolymers / proteins / fluorophores / graphene / semiconductor) driven by new properties and functions toward biomedical and technological applications and societal interest. Specifically, we develop nanotherapeutic systems based on drug-incorporated biopolymer-coated plasmonic nanoparticles, plasmon-enhanced photodynamic therapy and plasmon-induced photothermal therapy combined with multimodal cellular imaging via scanning confocal Raman/fluorescence microscopy, including SERS reporters and fluorescent contrast agents, time-resolved fluorescence (FLIM). Also, we implement plasmonic-based biosensing and diagnostic applications via SERS, local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF). As we believe in collaboration and interdisciplinarity, together with our partners (physicists, chemists, biochemists, biologists, oncologists, surgeons, histopathologists, etc. ) from recognized research centers in Romania and abroad, we aim to develop new solutions to research beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries of physics, chemistry and biology.
The RCM system enables to investigate live-cell dynamics in high resolution while keeping the laser power extremely low. In particular, our RCM-NIR unit allows deep tissue biomedical imaging, achieving much higher sensitivity in the near-infrared wavelengths. It works with 640 nm and 785 nm wavelengths which, due to the longer wavelength, are less phototoxic and penetrate much better into biological samples.

Applicability: High-resolution confocal fluorescence (bio)imaging RCM, respectively epi-fluorescence microscopy on biological systems (cells, tissue, “phantoms”) or luminescent materials in Vis-NIR of interest in medicine, biology, photonics, materials science, etc.; investigation of fluorescent molecules, nanoclusters and nanoparticles; investigating the distribution of fluorescent markers in living cells of interest at a high spatial resolution; collection of 3D images from cells, tissues, phantoms, etc.; automatic multi-mode image acquisitions.
Performances: This confocal microscopy system (Re-scan Confocal Microscopy – RCM) is based on the “double scan” method (a scan of the laser beam simultaneously with a scan of the beam emitted by the sample). This innovative method leads to obtaining a much better lateral resolution than in standard confocal microscopy (the working principle of the RCM is presented at This peculiarity of scanning and respectively high resolution gives to our microscopy system a high degree of uniqueness both nationally and internationally; Characteristics of RCM-VIS unit (visible range): Maximum scanning speed: 1 fps at 512×512 maximum resolution (RCM resolution) / 4 fps at 512×512 through the binning process ( low resolution); Resolution: 170 nm (no deconvolution); Pinhole size: fixed, 50 µm; Field of view: 88 x 88 µm at 100x magnification; Characteristics of RCM-NIR unit (near infrared (NIR) range):
Maximum scan speed: 1 fps at 512×512 maximum resolution (RCM resolution) / 4 fps at 512×512 binning (reduced resolution), Field of view: 88 x 88 µm at 100x magnification
KEYWORDS: High-resolution confocal fluorescence (bio)imaging, 3D fluorescence imaging, NIR confocal imaging,
Key Contact: Monica Focsan (
Access Policy
Available for a pre-evaluation of the complexity of the samples and estimation of the working time, in the 9:30 – 17:30 interval, based on a preliminary email.
Usage conditions: exclusively by the personnel responsible for the mentioned specialty.
Analysis price – extern UBB: Preliminary evaluation – free of charge; Recording and analysis of confocal fluorescence image: 350 lei/sample; Recording and analysis of 3D confocal fluorescence: 500 Lei /sample Analysis price – intern UBB: free of charge.
Lista articole RCM
1. NIR photothermal-activable drug-conjugated microcapsules for in vitro targeted delivery and release: an alternative treatment of diabetic retinopathy, D. Stoia, M. Nistor, M. Suciu, R. Borlan, A. Campu, D. Rugina, D. Maniu, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Int. J. Pharm, 635 (2023) 122700
2. Glutathione-capped gold nanoclusters as near-infrared-emitting efficient contrast agents for confocal fluorescence imaging of tissue-mimicking phantoms, A.-M. Hada, A.-M. Craciun, M. Focsan, A. Vulpoi, E.-L. Borcan, S. Astilean, Microchimica Acta, 189 (2022) 337
3. Hybrid Polymeric Therapeutic Microcarriers for Thermoplasmonic-Triggered Release of Resveratrol, D. Stoia, R. Pop, A. Campu, M. Nistor, S. Astilean, A. Pintea, M. Suciu, D. Rugina, M. Focsan, Colloid Surf. B, 220 (2022) 112915
4. Probing polyvinylpyrrolidone-passivated graphene oxide nanoflakes as contrast agents inside tissue-like phantoms via multimodal confocal microscopy, M. Potara, S. Suarasan, A-M. Craciun, M. Focsan, A-M. Hada, S. Astilean, Talanta, 247 (2022) 123581
5. Folate-targeted Pluronic-chitosan nanocapsules loaded with IR780 for near-infrared fluorescence imaging and photothermal-photodynamic therapy of ovarian cancer, M. Potara, T. Nagy-Simon, M. Focsan, E. Licarete, O. Soritau, A. Vulpoi, S. Astilean, Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces, 203 (2021) 111755
6. Pluronic stabilized conjugated polymer nanoparticles for NIR fluorescence imaging and dual phototherapy applications, T. Nagy-Simon, O. Diaconu, M. Focsan, A. Vulpoi, I. Botiz, A.-M. Craciun, J. Mol. Struc., 1243 (2021) 130931
7. Design of Fluorophore Loaded Human Serum Albumin Nanoparticles for Specific Targeting of NIH:OVCAR3 Ovarian Cancer Cells, R. Borlan, A. S. Tatar, O. Soritau, D. Maniu, G. Marc, A. Florea, M. Focsan, S. Astilean, Nanotechnology, 31 (2020) 315102