The X-ray diffractometer Shimadzu XRD-6000 is placed in the Institute of Interdisciplinary Experimental Research in Bio-Nano-Sciences (ICI-BNS) of Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), in a lab of the Center of Nanostructured Materials and Bio-Nano-Interfaces, Treboniu Laurian, 42, room 212, 400271, Cluj-Napoca.
The device operates in the Bragg-Brentano geometry, the X-ray tube has a Cu anode, Ni filter, and graphite monochromator with graphite crystal. The measurements are carried out in reflection with a scanning speed of 0.1-50º/min, at ambient temperature. The measurement time depends on the chosen parameters (e.g. pitch, scan range, scan speed). The samples to be analyzed must be in solid compact or powder form. The equipment includes a detection and control unit, diffractogram processing software, and a JCPDS database. The X-ray diffractometer is shown in the Figure below.
The research team led by Professor Dr. Simion Simon has a multidisciplinary experience in the structural and microstructural analysis of a wide range of materials (e.g. bio/nanomaterials, polymers, composites, graphene, natural or synthetic bioactive compounds, metal-organic samples), the diffractometer being frequently used in didactic activities at the undergraduate and doctoral levels, but also in scientific research projects.

Access policy
Access policy and related costs for using the research infrastructure:
– XRD analyses on samples investigated by members of the BBU community/other Universities will be done on basis of a collaboration agreement, aiming to increase the BBU visibility through scientific publications and research projects.
– XRD analyses on samples from the industry will be done in accordance with the requirements, at the price established in the existing technical-financial offer within ICI-BNS.
Marieta Muresan-Pop;
Telephone: +40 264 454 554. int 122;
Following the use of this device, a very large number of publications in prestigious scientific journals, as well as a series of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral theses resulted.
Selected publications
- Simion A, Simon S, Filip C, Mureșan-Pop M, Vulpoi A, Petrișor DM, Damian G, Vasilescu M, Todea M. Local structural effects of Gd3+ ions incorporation in shell of nanostructured silica core–alumina rich shell microspheres. J. Mol. Struct, 2023, 1284, 135381.
- Bizo L, Mureşan-Pop M, Barabás R, Barbu-Tudoran L, Berar A, In Vitro Degradation of Mg-Doped ZrO2 Bioceramics at the Interface with Xerostom® Saliva Substitute Gel. Materials 2023, 16, 2680.
- Simon S, Muresan-Pop M, Simon V, Eniu D. Structural changes induced by long term storage of sodium phosphate glasses embedding uranium and thorium. Optical Materials, 2022, 124.
- Muresan-Pop M, Vulpoi A, Simon V, Todea M, Magyari K, Pap Z, Simion A, Filip C, Simon S. Co-Crystals of Etravirine by Mechanochemical Activation. J. Pharm. Sci., 2022, 111(4), 1178-1186,
- Simion A, Vasilescu, M, Filip C, Todea M, Muresan-Pop M, Simon S, Structural characterization of interfaces in silica core-alumina shell microspheres by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson., 2022, 117(101773).
- Farcasanu AS, Todea M, Muresan-Pop M, Petrisor DM , Vulpoi A, Simon S. Synthesis and structural characterization of silica particles doped with Dy and Gd paramagnetic ions asMRI contrast agents. Results in chemistry, 2022, 4(100250).
- Costinas C, Salagean C, Cotet LC, Baia M, Todea M, Magyari K, Baia L. Insights into the Stability of Graphene Oxide Aqueous Dispersions. Nanomaterials2022, 12(24).
- Lucacel Ciceo R, Todea M, Toloman D, Muresan-Pop M, Simon V. Structure-composition correlation in niobium containing borophosphate glasses. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2020, 542.
- Todea M, Muresan-Pop M, Simon V, Vulpoi A, Simon S. Synthesis and characterization of composite SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3 core-shell microspheres. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2020,96.
- Muresan-Pop M, Chereches G, Borodi G, Fischer-Fodor E, Simon S. Structural characterization of 5-fluorouracil & piperazine new solid forms and evaluation of their antitumor activity. J. Mol. Struct. 2020, 1207.