Research in Nanobiophotonics and Laser Microspectroscopy Center
( is focused on the synthesis, fabrication, characterization and biofunctionalization of optically active noble-metal nanoparticles and versatile hybrid nanostructures and nanocomposites (biopolymers / proteins / fluorophores / graphene / semiconductor) driven by new properties and functions toward biomedical and technological applications and societal interest. Specifically, we develop nanotherapeutic systems based on drug-incorporated biopolymer-coated plasmonic nanoparticles, plasmon-enhanced photodynamic therapy and plasmon-induced photothermal therapy combined with multimodal cellular imaging via scanning confocal Raman/fluorescence microscopy, including SERS reporters and fluorescent contrast agents, time-resolved fluorescence (FLIM). Also, we implement plasmonic-based biosensing and diagnostic applications via SERS, local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF). As we believe in collaboration and interdisciplinarity, together with our partners (physicists, chemists, biochemists, biologists, oncologists, surgeons, histopathologists, etc. ) from recognized research centers in Romania and abroad, we aim to develop new solutions to research beyond the traditional disciplinary boundaries of physics, chemistry and biology.
The FLIM system is adapted for different types of measurements/modes of data analysis: FLIM, FCS, FRET, measurement of fluorescence lifetimes in liquid or solid samples, unimolecular spectroscopy, nonlinear optics measurements, monitoring of fluorescence signal fluctuations. Possible applications: FLIM on biological structures (cells, tissue) or materials with luminescent properties; characterization of the interaction of some exo- or endogenous chromophores with (plasmonic) nanoparticles applied in therapy, diagnosis and imaging; Toxicity assessments; Molecular fluorescence correlation studies; Sensoristics, Biodetection, Quantitative microscopy studies; Cell biology; Non-linear optics; Two-photon imaging; Materials science

Performances: temporal resolution in the picosecond range; high scanning resolution; flexible design; accessible optical drive; wide range of excitation wavelengths; unimolecular detection sensitivity; two simultaneous detection channels; friendly data acquisition and processing software; the system is adapted for different types of measurements/modes of data analysis: FLIM, FCS, FRET, measurement of fluorescence lifetimes in liquid or solid samples, unimolecular spectroscopy, nonlinear optics measurements, monitoring of fluorescence signal fluctuations, etc.
KEYWORDS: High-resolution confocal fluorescence (bio)imaging, 3D fluorescence imaging, NIR confocal imaging, FLIM, FRET, FCS, two-photon excitation, nonlinear optics, unimolecular detection sensitivity
Key Contact: Monica Focsan (
Access Policy:
Availability for Access and Use Contact persons: Monica Focşan, CS I (email:, 0264454554/int 116) Ana-Maria Crăciun, CS III (email:, 0264454554/int 116) Available for a pre-evaluation of the complexity of the samples and estimation of the working time, in the 9:30 – 17:30 interval, based on a preliminary email or phone appointment. Usage conditions: exclusively by the personnel responsible for the mentioned specialty
Analysis price – extern UBB: Preliminary evaluation – free of charge; Recording and analysis of FLIM image: 300 lei/sample; Spectrum measurement: 250 lei/sample.
Analysis price – intern UBB: free of charge
Lista articole FLIM
1. New fluorescent electrospun polymer materials containing phenothiazinyl carboxylate metal salts for versatile latent fingerprint detection, M. Gal, C. Cristea, A.M. Craciun, A. Turza, L. Barbu-Tudoran, B. Balazs, T. Lovasz, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, L. Gaina, Dyes and Pigments, 2023, 111085.
2. Glutathione-capped gold nanoclusters as near-infrared-emitting efficient contrast agents for confocal fluorescence imaging of tissue-mimicking phantoms, A.-M. Hada, A.-M. Craciun, M. Focsan, A. Vulpoi, E.-L. Borcan, S. Astilean, Microchimica Acta, 189 (2022) 337
3. Portable Plasmonic Paper-Based Biosensor for Simple and Rapid Indirect Detection of CEACAM5 Biomarker via Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence, L. Susu, A. Vulpoi, S. Astilean, M. Focsan, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23 (2022) 11982
4. Probing polyvinylpyrrolidone-passivated graphene oxide nanoflakes as contrast agents inside tissue-like phantoms via multimodal confocal microscopy, M. Potara, S. Suarasan, A-M. Craciun, M. Focsan, A-M. Hada, S. Astilean, Talanta, 247 (2022) 123581
5. One-photon excited photoluminescence of gold nanospheres and its application in prostate specific antigen detection via fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), A-M Craciun, S. Suarasan, M. Focsan, S. Astilean, Talanta, 228 (2021) 122242
6. Two-photon excited photoluminescence lifetime imaging studies on individual gelatin-coated gold nanorods, A. M. Craciun, L. Susu, M. Baia, J. Molec. Struct., 1243 (2021) 130785
7. Emese Gal, Balazs Brem, Luiza Ioana Gaina, Ana-Maria Craciun, Castelia Cristea, Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Optical properties of new 5-(phenothiazinyl) methylidenebarbituric acid derivatives, J. Mol. Struct. 1247 (2021) 131334
8. Melinda Gal, Castelia Cristea, Tamas Lovasz, Ana-Maria Craciun,, Alexandru Turza, Dan Porumb, Emese Gal, Gabriel Katona, Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Luiza Gaina, New fluorescent phenothiazine carboxylates for fluorescent nanomaterials, J. Mol. Struct. 1246 (2021) 131174
9. Gold nanoclusters performing as contrast agents for non-invasive imaging of tissue-like phantoms via two-photon excited fluorescence lifetime imaging, A.-M. Hada, A. M. Craciun, S. Astilean, Analyst, 146 (2021) 7126-7130
10. Novel (Phenothiazinyl)Vinyl-Pyridinium Dyes and Their Potential Applications as Cellular Staining Agents, B. Stoean, D. Rugina, M. Focsan, A-M. Craciun, M. Nistor, T. Lovasz, A. Turza, I-D. Porumb, E. Gál, C. Cristea, L. Silaghi-Dumitrescu, S. Astilean and L. Gaina, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22 (2021) 2985
11. Intrinsic Photoluminescence of Solid-State Gold Nanoclusters: Towards Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging of Tissue-Like Phantoms Under Two-Photon Near-Infrared Excitation, A.-M. Hada, A. M. Craciun, S. Astilean, Front. Chem., 9 (2021) 761711
12. Folic acid functionalized gold nanoclusters for enabling targeted fluorescence imaging of human ovarian cancer cells, A.-M. Hada, A.-M. Craciun, M. Focsan, R. Borlan, O. Soritau, M. Todea, S. Astilean, Talanta, 225 (2021) 121960
13. Antibody Functionalized Theranostic Protein Nanoparticles for Synergistic Deep Red Fluorescence Imaging and Multimodal Therapy of Ovarian Cancer, R. Borlan, M. Focsan, M. Perde-Schrepler, O. Soritau, A. Campu, L. Gaina, E. Pall, B. Pop, O. Baldasici, C. Gherman, D. Stoia, D. Maniu, S. Astilean, Biomaterials Science, 9 (2021) 6183-6202
14. Fluorescent Polyelectrolyte System to Track Anthocyanins Delivery inside Melanoma Cells, R. Ghiman, M. Nistor, M. Focșan*, A. Pintea, S. Aștilean and D. Rugina, Nanomaterials, 11 (2021) 782
15. Pluronic stabilized conjugated polymer nanoparticles for NIR fluorescence imaging and dual phototherapy applications, T. Nagy-Simon, O. Diaconu, M. Focsan, A. Vulpoi, I. Botiz, A.-M. Craciun, J. Mol. Struc., 1243 (2021) 130931
16. Surface-enhanced fluorescence imaging on linear arrays of plasmonic half-shells, Cosmin Farcau, Ana-Maria Craciun, Renaud A. L. Vallée, J. Chem. Phys., 153 (2020) 164701
17. Intracellular Fate and Impact on Gene Expression of Doxorubicin/Cyclodextrin-Graphene Nanomaterials at Sub-Toxic Concentration, D. Caccamo, M. Currò, R. Ientile, E. Verderio, A. Scala, A. Mazzaglia, R. Pennisi, M. Musarra-Pizzo, R. Zagami, G. Neri, C. Rosmini, M. Potara, M. Focsan, S. Astilean, A. Piperno, M. Sciortino, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21 (2020) 4891